With over 10 years in business and 20 years of experience, CanErgo is your one stop shop for all your Ergonomic Office Seating and Computer Accessories needs!
Working closely with a select number of factories overseas has allowed us to develop a line of seating relevant to the North American Market in terms of quality, value and performance! This experience has also proven to be invaluable to building trust, confidence and a mutually respectful working relationship.
Working standards is an important factor for CanErgo! Yearly visits to our supplier’s factories ensure that employees’ working conditions are safe, clean and that they are treated fairly. Our supplier partners are constantly seeking new R&D projects with advancements in design and performance with value at the forefront. We are more confident in their ability to deliver on this than ever before. Just look at our product offering!
If seating is a big part of your business, then a container program will be most beneficial for you in terms of profit opportunity. We have the ability to build chairs for your exclusive market. Let us show you how to take advantage of this!
Our Container Program is available with 20, 40 or even 45 foot containers. Whatever your volume requirement, we can meet it!
Our objective is twofold; to allow you to achieve a more substantial portion of the Seating and Computer Accessories market, and to do so within a framework that is cost effective and profitable.
For more information on our Container Program, please contact me personally at the number below.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to meet and discuss this tremendous profit opportunity with you.
Carolyn Proctor
Tel: 519-748-5899
Fax: 519-748-5303 Toll Free: 1-866-Can-Ergo
Email: mail@canergo.com or carolyn@canergo.com